The graphic shows the height of the radiant of the meteor shower

In blu le ore col Sole sotto l'orizzonte

     Data    Ora     Alt      Az    Sole     Luna
2015:04:22   20:00   81.7   161.1   N.Crep.  Visible
2015:04:22   21:00   77.8   233.5   Night    Visible
2015:04:22   22:00   67.5   258.3   Night    Visible
2015:04:22   23:00   56.4   270.4   Night    Visible
2015:04:23   00:00   45.2   279.3   Night    Invis.
2015:04:23   01:00   34.4   287.3   Night    Invis.
2015:04:23   02:00   23.9   295.1   Night    Invis.
2015:04:23   03:00   14.1   303.3   Night    Invis.
2015:04:23   04:00    5.3   312.2   A.Crep.  Invis.