Data from software WinOccult (C) Occultations and eclipses of its satellites
Phemu Jupiter 2013
T1 T2 T3 Tmax T5 T6 T7
Year M D h m s Event Type Ph Dur dMag %Ill Sep PA MinD h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s
Legend :
Date in the format year/month/day, a * an asterisk points out that the moons draw near but they don't hide itself
Event type : type of event, eclipse or occultation
Ph : phenomena, M=missed, E=penumbral eclipse, P=partial eclipse/occultation, T=total eclipse/occultation, A=annular eclipse/occultation
Durn : lenght in secons
dMag : fall of light in magnitude
%ill : change in illumination, in comparison to the whole illumination, of the remaining (occultation) moon or of both (eclipse)
Sep : distance in ° between hide/eclipsed satellite and center of the planet
Pa : position angle between hide/eclipsed satellite and center of the planet
MinSep : least distance between the centers of the moons or between the moon and the shade
T1-T7 : beginning / end of the phase of contact with the penumbra
T2-T6 : beginning / end of the phase of contact with the shade or between the edges of the moons
T3-T5 : beginning / end of the phase of totality
Tmax : time of half event
Phemu Uranus 2013
Phemu Jupiter 2012
Phemu Uranus 2012
Phemu Jupiter 2011
Phemu Uranus 2011
Phemu Jupiter 2010
Phemu Uranus 2010
Phemu Jupiter 2009
Phemu Uranus 2009