Data from software WinOccult (C) Occultations and eclipses of its satellites
Phemu Jupiter 2010
T1 T2 T3 Tmax T5 T6 T7
Year M D h m s Event Type Ph Dur dMag %Ill Sep PA MinD h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s
2010 2 12 16 25 6 (I) ecl (II) E 218 0.0 97.9 23.8 81 0.061 | 16 23 17 16 25 6 16 26 55
2010 2 27 17 39 55 (I) ecl (II) P 665 0.2 85.3 21.8 80 0.046 | 17 34 23 17 35 50 17 39 55 17 44 1 17 45 28
2010 4 19 21 49 49 (II) occ (I) T 676 0.5 61.2 12.0 92 0.006 | 21 44 11 21 49 21 21 49 49 21 50 17 21 55 27
2010 4 20 3 49 34 (II) occ (I) P 191 0.5 65.1 28.0 264 0.015 | 3 47 58 3 49 34 3 51 9
2010 4 24 15 28 24 (IV) occ (III) P 1922 0.5 63.9 38.0 88 0.038 | 15 12 23 15 28 24 15 44 25
2010 5 5 0 37 40 (II) ecl (I) E 231 0.0 98.9 4.9 105 0.063 | 0 35 45 0 37 40 0 39 36
2010 5 27 7 8 21 (III) occ (II) P 215 0.1 89.1 35.9 266 0.071 | 7 6 33 7 8 21 7 10 8
2010 5 31 22 9 7 (I) occ (IV) P 197 0.0 97.2 4.7 65 0.095 | 22 7 28 22 9 7 22 10 45
2010 6 4 7 2 34 (II) ecl (I) P 759 0.3 73.5 14.8 261 0.044 | 6 56 14 6 57 35 7 2 34 7 7 32 7 8 53
2010 6 5 23 31 54 (III) occ (IV) P 353 0.1 90.1 43.3 267 0.112 | 23 28 58 23 31 54 23 34 51
2010 6 11 9 39 6 (III) occ (II) P 105 0.0 97.5 35.0 266 0.099 | 9 38 14 9 39 6 9 39 59
2010 6 15 20 2 18 (II) occ (III) P 904 0.1 89.6 1.6 315 0.071 | 19 54 46 20 2 18 20 9 50
2010 6 18 8 17 22 (IV) occ (III) P 956 0.3 78.9 38.2 88 0.075 | 8 9 25 8 17 22 8 25 20
2010 7 1 5 26 29 (II) occ (III) A 313 0.2 81.9 33.6 85 0.013 | 5 23 53 5 25 35 5 26 29 5 27 23 5 29 5
Legend :
Date in the format year/month/day, a * an asterisk points out that the moons draw near but they don't hide itself
Event type : type of event, eclipse or occultation
Ph : phenomena, M=missed, E=penumbral eclipse, P=partial eclipse/occultation, T=total eclipse/occultation, A=annular eclipse/occultation
Durn : lenght in secons
dMag : fall of light in magnitude
%ill : change in illumination, in comparison to the whole illumination, of the remaining (occultation) moon or of both (eclipse)
Sep : distance in ° between hide/eclipsed satellite and center of the planet
Pa : position angle between hide/eclipsed satellite and center of the planet
MinSep : least distance between the centers of the moons or between the moon and the shade
T1-T7 : beginning / end of the phase of contact with the penumbra
T2-T6 : beginning / end of the phase of contact with the shade or between the edges of the moons
T3-T5 : beginning / end of the phase of totality
Tmax : time of half event
Phemu Uranus 2010
Phemu Jupiter 2009
Phemu Uranus 2009