It's frequent an occultation of a planet by the Sun, but it's very rare that it happens during a solar eclipse. Indeed a planet must be very close to the Sun and close enought to a node of its orbit. These events are not observable, I have calculated only for curiosity. Are listed all the occultations from year 0 to 3000
YEAR/MO/DD HH/MM/SS DISTANCE° P° YEAR/MO/DD HH/MM/SS DISTANCE° P° TYPE OF ECLIPSE 60/04/19 05:08:05 0.48655 164 Moon 60/04/19 09:49:16 0.05083 330 Mercury Total 354/06/07 14:10:48 0.12974 354 Uranus 354/06/07 14:46:49 1.41548 359 Moon Partial 420/11/21 19:59:09 0.50275 17 Moon 420/11/22 03:33:18 0.02196 21 Venus Total 682/11/05 00:43:03 0.12353 195 Mars 682/11/05 07:04:35 0.47932 203 Moon Annular 729/10/27 02:10:16 0.46526 14 Moon 729/10/27 21:46:14 0.03324 17 Mars Total 757/04/23 05:24:47 0.34536 155 Moon 757/04/23 10:19:37 0.07492 332 Mercury Annular 855/01/21 20:44:51 0.21952 166 Neptune 855/01/22 00:01:26 0.25523 160 Moon Total 914/11/20 07:26:40 0.93287 6 Moon 914/11/20 11:48:40 0.09682 21 Venus Total 1139/10/24 04:59:54 0.11924 17 Mars 1139/10/24 18:41:58 1.34809 13 Moon Partial 1302/06/26 10:35:43 1.21088 11 Moon 1302/06/26 17:35:21 0.16352 5 Jupiter Partial 1408/04/26 06:03:11 0.08531 334 Mercury 1408/04/26 07:02:09 0.34576 157 Moon Hybrid 1527/05/29 17:58:13 0.06382 354 Uranus 1527/05/30 02:23:02 0.69879 0 Moon Annular 1741/06/13 10:12:48 0.29114 171 Moon 1741/06/13 16:41:31 0.20161 349 Venus Total 1954/06/30 12:32:39 0.60209 9 Moon 1954/06/30 17:39:16 0.03104 184 Jupiter Total 2105/05/14 01:52:06 1.19491 351 Moon 2105/05/14 06:24:42 0.10990 337 Mercury Partial 2235/06/16 11:00:41 1.18180 183 Moon 2235/06/16 17:56:24 0.15580 350 Venus Partial 2903/07/15 21:59:14 0.06970 10 Jupiter 2903/07/16 01:00:41 0.32353 195 Moon Totale
Distance : distance of the planet or of the Moon from the center of the Sun, in ° P : position angle of the planet or of the Moon respect to the Sun, in ° from north