During a solar eclipse the magnitude is often confused with the obscuration. Magnitude is the fration of the solar diameter covered by the Moon. Obscuration is the fraction of the surface of the solar disk covered by the Moon.

         r    0,92      0,94      0,96      0,98      1         1,02      1,04      1,06      1,08
0.1           3,66      3,68      3,70      3,72      3,74      3,76      3,77      3,79      3,81
0.2          10,17     10,23     10,29     10,35     10,40     10,46     10,51     10,56     10,61
0.3          18,36     18,48     18,59     18,70     18,80     18,91     19,01     19,10     19,19
0.4          27,76     27,95     28,13     28,30     28,46     28,62     28,78     28,92     29,07
0.5          38,07     38,34     38,60     38,85     39,09     39,31     39,53     39,73     39,93
0.6          49,06     49,44     49,79     50,13     50,44     50,74     51,03     51,30     51,56
0.7          60,52     61,03     61,51     61,95     62,36     62,74     63,10     63,44     63,76
0.8          72,20     72,93     73,58     74,16     74,68     75,15     75,58     75,98     76,34
0.9          83,26     84,70     85,76     86,59     87,26     87,81     88,28     88,68     89,03
1.0                                                  100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0

Mag. = magnitude of the eclipse
r = ratio Moon/Sun diameter

Index of obscuration in %