The table shows when the Moon don't cover totally the solar disk during an eplipse.
This happens when the vertex of the lunar shadow cone passes close to the surface of the Earth, but without touching it.
TD of
Calendar Greatest DT Luna Saros Ecl. Ecl. Sun Sun Path Central
Date Eclipse s Num Num Type Gamma Mag. Alt Azm Width Dur.
° ° ° km
0562 Ott 14 03:07:26 5071 -17776 91 A -0.0010 0.9992 90 8 3 00m05s
0654 Mag 22 00:02:55 4207 -16643 106 P -1.0131 0.9990 0 345
1048 Sep 10 22:09:40 1310 -11766 119 A 0.8530 0.9995 31 214 4 00m02s
1087 Aug 01 08:58:39 1132 -11285 111 A 0.1644 0.9996 80 192 1 00m02s
1384 Aug 17 13:09:06 340 -7611 125 A 0.5354 0.9999 57 200 1 00m01s
1581 Dec 25 20:35:20 128 -5170 115 A -0.4567 0.9993 63 343 3 00m04s
1594 Nov 12 07:34:49 121 -5011 136 A -0.7829 0.9991 38 48 5 00m04s
1704 Nov 27 05:33:52 9 -3650 118 A 0.6716 0.9999 48 196 1 00m01s
1822 Feb 21 19:40:40 11 -2200 137 A 0.6914 0.9996 46 150 2 00m02s
1840 Mar 04 03:58:22 5 -1977 137 A 0.6728 0.9995 48 147 2 00m03s
1858 Mar 15 12:05:28 7 -1754 137 A 0.6461 0.9996 50 145 2 00m02s
1876 Mar 25 20:05:06 -4 -1531 137 A 0.6142 0.9999 52 144 1 00m01s
1927 Jan 03 20:22:53 24 -903 140 A -0.4956 0.9995 60 0 2 00m03s
1948 May 09 02:26:04 28 -639 137 A 0.4133 0.9999 65 153 0 00m00s
1966 May 20 09:39:02 37 -416 137 A 0.3467 0.9991 70 158 3 00m05s
2146 Mar 12 15:58:15 318 1808 132 A 0.4821 0.9995 61 161 2 00m03s
2191 Apr 23 17:26:06 420 2366 151 A 0.7991 0.9993 37 130 4 00m03s
2862 Sep 15 06:23:08 3449 10670 158 A 0.5956 0.9999 53 215 0 00m01s
2931 Dec 30 06:28:24 3925 11527 166 A 0.1511 1.0000 81 182 0 00m00s
Calendar Calendar Date at instant of Greatest Eclipse.
Date Gregorian Calendar is used for dates after 1582 Oct 15.
Julian Calendar is used for dates before 1582 Oct 04.
TD of Dynamical Time (TD) of Greatest Eclipse, the instant
Greatest when the axis of the Moon's shadow cone passes closest
Eclipse to Earth's center.
DT Delta T (?T) is the arithmetic difference between
Dynamical Time and Universal Time. It is a measure of
the accumulated clock error due to the variable
rotation period of Earth.
Luna Lunation Number is the number of synodic months since
Num New Moon of 2000 Jan 06. The Brown Lunation Number
can be determined by adding 953.
Saros Saros series number of eclipse.
Num (Each eclipse in a Saros is separated by an interval
of 18 years 11.3 days.)
Ecl. Eclipse Type where:
Type P = Partial Eclipse.
A = Annular Eclipse.
T = Total Eclipse.
H = Hybrid or Annular/Total Eclipse.
Second character in Eclipse Type:
"m" = Middle eclipse of Saros series.
"n" = Central eclipse with no northern limit.
"s" = Central eclipse with no southern limit.
"+" = Non-central eclipse with no northern limit.
"-" = Non-central eclipse with no southern limit.
"2" = Hybrid path begins total and ends annular.
"3" = Hybrid path begins annular and ends total.
"b" = Saros series begins (first eclipse in series).
"e" = Saros series ends (last eclipse in series).
Gamma Distance of the shadow cone axis from the center
of Earth (units of equatorial radii) at the
instant of greatest eclipse.
Ecl. Eclipse magnitude is the fraction of the Sun's
Mag. diameter obscured by the Moon. For annular, total and
hybrid eclipses, this value is actually the diameter
ratio of Moon/Sun.
Lat. Latitude where greatest eclipse is seen.
Long. Longitude where greatest eclipse is seen.
Sun Sun's altitude at greatest eclipse.
Sun Sun's azimuth at greatest eclipse.
Path Width of the path of totality or annularity
Width at greatest eclipse (kilometers).
Central Central Line Duration of total or annular phase
Dur. at greatest eclipse.