It is a part of the job with which Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius wanted to organize
the sky of the austral hemisphere towards the end of XVII century. In this his work, the
Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Hevelius identified and drawed 11 new constellations; they had
a discreet success, in how much the “Canes Venatici”, the Lynx, the Lacerta, the Leo Minor,
the Scutum, the Sextans and the Vulpecula has been then accepted from International Astronomical
Union (I.A.U.). The other four: Cerberus, Mons Maenalus, Musca and Triangulum Minor came
forgotten. Originally was known like Volpecula cum Ansere (the fox and the goose; the goose
often came represented in the mouth of the fox). Although the name of the goose does not appear
more in the official nomenclature, it remains in the name of the star alpha, Anser.