The river Eridano is the symbol of the Po and its story is connected to that one of Fetonte, son of Elio and Climene. A day the boy, wanted to try to guide the cart of the sun, weat up on the biga of his father and began the usually turn of the sun in sky. After a little the flaming horses recognized that the hand that guided them was not that one of theirs usually master and therefore they were scared; Fetonte was attacked from the terror and he did not succeed to remedy; in their crowds run the horses brought the sun too much near to the earth provoking many fires. For put end to this devastation Zeus killed the inexpert coachman and his body fell in the river Eridano, where found it the Eliadi, his sisters and they cried it long time. Moved to compassion, Zeus changed them in poplars and it gave to the river a celestial place. It was narrated also that the Milky Way is a burn of the sky left from the passage of the heated cart.