The dolphin is one of the animals that they always have inspired
a sense of sympathy in the man, and many stories its figure like rescue
of persons in difficulty, like in the case of the poet Arione. According
to the Greek was just a dolphin to convince the Anfitrite Oceanina
to accept the locked court of the God Poseidone and to become finally
its wife. For this work of intercession the God of the sea wanted to
reward that beautiful and astute animal reserve to it a place in the firmament.
The names of two more luminous stars of the asterismo deserve one reflection
to part; they are Sualocin and Rotanev, substantives whose etimology isn't
neither Arabic, neither Greek. Their name is explained reading them
to the contrary, obtaining therefore Nicolaus Venator, Niccolò Cacciatore,
busy comet's seeker, and assistant of astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi.
There is an other legend that regards this constellation. The Greek God
Poseidone wanted to marry Anfitrite, one nereide (nymph of the seas).
She however, wanting protect its virginity,got away in mountains of the Atlante.
The God sent therefore many people to look for her, between which Dolphin.
It found the nymph accidentally, and he convinced her to
accept the offer of Poseidone. The God for gratefulness placed the image
of a dolphin in skies.