To the debuts the astronomers recognized it a bird, while in the
1627 Schiller, in his little fortunate attempt of cristianizzation
of the sky, renamed it Cross of Sant' Elena. The Arabs
knew it like Pigeon, or hen, while the Greeks, as usual, have handed
on us two narrations tied to it. In the first, the swan represents Orfeo,
the legendary singing that was able to charm feracious beasts,
the mermaids and even the God of the dead men; it would have been
transposed in the firmament to praise his art, in company
of hiss divine instrument, represented in the near constellation of
the Lira.
The other history of the swan is that one in which Zeus
transformed him in this animal in order to seduce Leda, wife
of the king Tindaro of Sparta. At once after, ignoring the visit
of the god, also Tindaro fucked to the consort.
From such unions born, Castore and Polluce, a couple of twins
in which the first son, been born from the
seed of the king, they was died, while the other, son of the
divine king, was immortal. Finally, one says that a young called
person Swan was the lover of the unlucky Fetonte. After that
Fetonte remained killed trying to guide the cart of the Sun,
Swan desperate looked for his body in the Eridano river, where
his had fallen. He dived many times in the river that
Zeus had him to pity and he transformed him in the water bird that
has taken his name.