It is visible as a group of starlets that together form a nebulous stain situated near the tail of the Leo. It was considered the typical lock of hair that is found to the extremity of the tails of the Leo, until the Dutch cartographer Gerardus Mercator it make independent in his known stellar catalog of the 1551. In the Almagesto, work written by Tolomeo in the 150 d.C.,it is described as a curl of hair. Eratostene saw it instead in two ways: if considered belonging to the constellation of the Corona Borealis, it was the hair of Arianna, if considered belonging to the Leo it was the hair of the Regina of Egypt Berenice II of Cirene. She married her brother Tolomeo III Euergete, as from diffused custom in the Egyptian royal family, and she distinguished for her abilities of horsewoman. According to the stories of Igino, when Tolomeo was busy in the war against Seleuco, king of Syria, Berenice promised to cut the hair if her husband had returned alive. Tolomeo returned healthy and except and his wife kept the promise deposing her head of hair in the temple devoted to the mother Arsinoe (then identified with the goddess Venus). The day later, however, the braids disappeared and of them lost every trace: only Colone of Samo, a mathematician and astronomer that lived in Alexandria, told the king that they had moved to sky together with the constellations.