Cefeo was the King of ancient Ethiopia, a well different territory
from the actual African region: in fact to the epoch it extended
from the south-oriental shore of the Mediterranean to the Red Sea
and it included part of actual Egypt, Jordan and Israel.
Because it was child of Zeus and the nymph Io,he succeeded in conquering
a place in the firmament, sure not thanks to some worth: Cefeo in
fact wasn't the figure of the legendary hero, since its life was
marked only by actions of cowardliness. Before definite to sacrifice
his daughter Andromeda to the monster sent by Poseidone to punish
the vanity of his wife Cassiopea (you see Cassiopea,Andromeda,Perseo),
then,when Perseo killed the monster and it had in bride Andromeda,
he didn't succeed in opposing to the angers of his brother Fineo,
to which previously had promised the hand of his daughter: he
stormed together with his followers during the party nuptial and
make a bloody battle. Also this time Perseo was forced to hurry
alone to him and, with the help of the head of Medusa, it the whole
horde of enemies.