It's in agreement use to point out in this angle of sky a being
that from the navel in on it had human features and from the navel
down it was a horse. Many narrators recognize that he is the wise
Chirone,medical expert,inventor of a lot of the constellations of
the antiquity,progenitor of all the other centaurs and guardian of
great heroes, among which Giasone and Achille. The being from
the eccentric semblances had despite everything enviable natives:
its mother was Filira, one of the daughters of Ocean, while
its father was Crono, that make love with her form of stallion;
because of this so imposing genealogical tree, the centaur was
immortal, but paradoxally, Chirone came to regret such peculiarity.
Its death has connection with the fourth work of Eracle:
the capture of the wild boar of Erimanto; during the trip toward
this city, Eracle have hospitality by the centaur Folo and from his
similar and shared with them a full leather bag of wine. The centaurs
didn't know the drunkenness, and when they were intoxicated,
they began to fight among them; to make them stop the hero began
to mortally strike them with his arrows, the same that are been
dipped in the poisonous blood of the Hydra. An arrow accidentally
struck Chirone, that folded up by the pain asked to Zeus to free
him from that torture and he offered his own life; he was granted,
it died and its sacrifice served to ransom the imprisonment of
the titano Prometeo,that was free since then. Chirone was repaid
therefore of his sufferings with the final transposition in the
sidereal spaces.