A.R. DECL. MAG. LIGHT YEARS Alfa 03h 24m 19.35s +49° 51' 40.5 1.79 592 Mirfak, Mirphak, Marphak, Markfak, Algenib, Alcheb; il Fianco Beta 03h 08m 10.13s +40° 57' 20.3 2.09 93 Algol, El Ghoul, Gorgona, Gorgonea Prima, Demon Star, Ghoul Star; il Demonio; prototype of the variable Algol Zeta 03h 54m 07.92s +31° 53' 01.2 2.84 982 Atik, Menkhib Epsilon 03h 57m 51.22s +40° 00' 37.0 2.90 538 Adid Australis Gamma A 03h 04m 47.79s +53° 30' 23.2 2.91 256 Alphecher, Al Fakhir, Seid Gamma B 03h 04m 44.10s +53° 31' 10.0 3.00 Delta 03h 42m 55.48s +47° 47' 15.6 3.01 528 Basel, Basil, Adid Borealis Rho 03h 05m 10.50s +38° 50' 25.9 3.32 325 Gorgonea Tertia Eta 02h 50m 41.79s +55° 53' 43.9 3.77 1331 Miram, Al Sa'id Nu 03h 45m 11.64s +42° 34' 42.8 3.77 556 Adad, Adid Media
NGC 869 + 884 Ammassi stellari aperti, mag. 4.4+4.7, diameter 36' M 34 Open cluster, mag. 5.5, diameter 18' M 76 Planetary nebulose (Piccola Nebulosa Dumbbell), mag. 10.1, diameter 1'