A.R.             DECL.          MAG.  LIGHT YEARS
Beta        07h 45m 19.36s	+28° 01' 34.7	1.16	34      Polluce,Al-Ras al-Taum al-Mu'ahar; varying suspicious star; has a planet
Alfa        07h 34m 36.00s	+31° 53' 19.1	1.58	52      Castore A,Al-Ras al-Taum al-Muqadim; double star optical and spectroscopical
Gamma       06h 37m 42.70s	+16° 23' 57.9	1.93	105     Alhena, Almeisan; il Prode Marciatore binary spettroscopic star
Mu          06h 22m 57.59s	+22° 30' 49.9	2.87	232     Tejat Posterior, Nuhatai, Calx, Pish Pai; irregular variable star di tipo LB
Alfa        07h 34m 36.00s	+31° 53' 19.0	2.88            Castore B, double star optical and spectroscopical
Epsilon     06h 43m 55.93s	+25° 07' 52.2	3.06	903     Mebsuta; le Braccia Tese
Eta         06h 14m 52.70s	+22° 30' 24.6	3.31	349     Propus, Praepes, Tejat Prior; binary spettroscopic star
Xi          06h 45m 17.43s	+12° 53' 45.8	3.35	57      Alzirr
Delta       07h 20m 07.39s	+21° 58' 56.4	3.50	59      Wasat; il Punto di Mezzo; double star
Kappa       07h 44m 26.87s	+24° 23' 53.3	3.57	143     Al Kirkab; multiple star


M 35        Open cluster, mag. 5.3, diameter 40'


Lince,Auriga,Toro,Orione,Unicorno,Cane Minore,Cancro