A.R. DECL. MAG. LIGHT YEARS Alfa 05h 16m 41.30s +45° 59' 56.5 0.08 42 Capella,Alhajoth, Alhaior, Althaiot, Alhaiset, Alhatod, Alhojet, Alanac, Alanat, Alioc; la Capretta; quadruple star, binary spettroscopic star; 11° e 14° stelle pił luminose della volta celeste Beta 05h 59m 31.77s +44° 56' 50.8 1.90 82 Menkalinan, Menkalina; la Spalla di chi tiene le redini; binary to eclipse; binary spettroscopic star Theta 05h 59m 43.24s +37° 12' 46.0 2.65 173 Bogardus, Mahasim Iota 04h 56m 59.62s +33° 09' 58.1 2.69 512 Kabdhilinan, Hassaleh Epsilon 05h 01m 58.13s +43° 49' 23.9 3.03 2037 Almaaz, Maaz, Al Anz; il Caprone; binary to eclipse for a long time period Eta 05h 06m 30.87s +41° 14' 04.7 3.18 219 Haedus II, Hoedus II, Maha-Sim Zeta 05h 02m 28.68s +41° 04' 33.2 3.69 787 Sadatoni, Saclateni, Haedus I, Hoedus I; binary to eclipse Delta 05h 59m 31.55s +54° 17' 05.9 3.72 140 Prijipati Nu 05h 51m 29.39s +39° 08' 54.5 3.97 215 Pi 05h 59m 56.10s +45° 56' 12.3 4.30 840
M 36 Open cluster, mag. 6.3, diameter 12' M 37 Open cluster, mag. 6.2, diameter 20' M 38 Open cluster, mag. 7.4, diameter 20'